Woonzorghuis Ten Kerselaere introduceert elektronische tuktuk
Woonzorghuis Ten Kerselaere te Heist-op-den-Berg introduceert Elektronische TukTuk Woonzorghuis Ten Kerselaere heeft met trots een innovatieve stap gezet naar een meer inclusieve en verbonden gemeenschap. Met de recente aanschaf van een eTuk wordt het voor onze bewoners en cliënten mogelijk om makkelijker en gezelliger buiten de muren van Ten Kerselaere te treden en de buurt […]
Waarom eTuk de perfecte last-mile delivery oplossing is
Why eTuk is the perfect last-mile delivery solution In the world of rapidly evolving logistics and delivery services, the ‘last mile’ is often the most challenging and costly phase. The final part of the delivery process, from the distribution center to the final destination, requires not just efficiency but also sustainability. This is where eTuk […]
Hoe zijn bezorgdiensten aan het veranderen?
Sustainable Delivery Solutions: How Delivery Services are Changing? In the world of fast-growing delivery services, more and more efforts are being made to find sustainable alternatives to traditional delivery transportation. One such development in this area is the use of electric tuk-tuks as a means of transport. These compact, environmentally friendly vehicles not only provide […]
Duurzame toekomst: de rol van etuks in evenementenvervoer
Sustainable future: The role of eTuks in event transportation The world is changing. We are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of our actions on the environment. And that’s important. Thus, we are increasingly looking for sustainable alternatives and ways to shape our daily lives. One of the sectors where this shift is clearly visible […]
eTuks as a solution for your event
eTuks as a solution for your event Organizing an event involves a tremendous amount of work for the organization. From setting objectives and planning, to budget management and logistics. It’s quite a task! eTuk Benelux is convinced that organizing events becomes simpler, cheaper, and more fun with the deployment of our tuktuks! Curious about the […]
Waarom eTuks perfect passen op vakantieparken
Why eTuks are a perfect fit for holiday parks More and more holiday parks are opting for sustainable transportation and vehicles, for both internal and external use. This is a smart move in light of the rising sustainable tourism and contributes to a healthy ecological footprint. The trend of holidaymakers booking their vacations with environmental […]
Waarom je als hotel moet inspelen op duurzaamheid
Why hotels should embrace sustainability As a hotel or resort, you naturally want your guests to have an unforgettable experience during their stay at your establishment. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly crucial to be sustainable. Not only does the environment benefit from this, but so do your guests and you. Do you already know how […]
eTuks in hotels: een groene alleskunner
eTuks in hotels: a green jack of all trades Hotels utilize various forms of transport. From sheets and bottles of soda to the guests themselves, almost everything is transported using small vehicles, such as a golf cart. eTuk Benelux offers solutions for hotels and resorts looking for eco-friendly vehicles that can be used as broadly […]
De voordelen van eTuks in de hotelbranche
The benefits of eTuks in the hotel industry Electric tuk-tuks bring a breath of fresh air. Even within the hotel and resort industry. These innovative green vehicles offer a new dimension to hospitality. That environmental consciousness and transport are becoming increasingly intertwined is evidenced by electric tuk-tuks. Are you convinced that eTuks can elevate your […]
Waarom eTuks steeds populairder worden in de toerisme- & recreatiebranche
Why eTuks are becoming increasingly popular within the tourism & recreation industry When thinking of popular modes of transportation in cities within the tourism and recreation industry, you probably think of vehicles like tuk tuks, vans, taxis, and boats. These means of transport are widely used and play a crucial role for many organizations in […]